Saturday, 11 October 2008

Nuff said

how does one start a new blog entry after a long absence? I could try and explain, why I have not written in so long, say that I was busy or justify my lack of motivation with a blasé comment that would insult everyone's intelligence so I have decided to simply not give an explanation, whatsoever and simply pick it back up... :-)

I have been painting again and am currently trying to finish a picture but I am uncertain as to which colour I should use. Maybe you can help me?

I want to add green so here is a chart. Pick your favorite and let me know :-)

Apart from that things have not changed much.
Kids are still being kids, with the added "bonus" that they are becoming Teenagers, fast...
Simon still works in the UK and I am still ill...
I have stopped taking painkillers and it is not easy, I find myself in need of distraction that gets my mind of the pain. One of these distractions is World of Warcraft, which admittetly I play way too much by now, but on the upside I have met some great people on there. And believe it or not, not everyone that lieks to play world of warcraft is a "neird" although give it we are all nuts in one way or another but then again, who wants to be "normal" anyways?

As long as I don't turn up like this dude I think I am ok...

There are some work prospects for me on the horizon and I do hope that it all works out, as my life might actually make that oh so welcome turn for the better, not that I am saying it is "bad" right now, but I could do with it being a little easier! But then again, don't we all...

The one thing I truly regret about haveing withdrawn so much over the last few months is that I have lost contact with a agreat many people, that actually meant a great deal to me.
For those of you who have not given up on me yet:

Your friendship is greatly treasured, even if I have not been able to show this. The messages sent by you, letting me know that you care have slowly made it possible for me to drag myself back out of the very deep whole I was in and am still climbing out of!
Bobert F. Kennedy once said:
Each time a man stands for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.
This of course being on a much smaller scale but it has affected and still is affecting me nontheless. Small ripples, that "rocked my boat" :-) (Please excuse the pun).

Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Well I think the color green #700 would look nice :). Feel free to check out my site & also feel free to give me some ideas on the "topic ideas page" Thank You

cba300 said...

Hi girl,

Good to see that you are in reasonable spirits. Snow and winter and stuff coming up - cool

Lots of luck and fun to you all.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Schatz
vielleicht probierst du es mit etwas ocker oder schönem gelb? Gibst dem ganzen etwas Licht.
LG Mama