Thursday, 18 January 2007

Curious Life

No, I still can't tell my secret!!!!! But I will reveal when the time is right. Promise!
No news on the car, the electrician will be here next Tuesday and the kids are off school tomorrow (or rather today now) because of the storm.
Now, that that is out of the way I might as well tell you, that I really don't feel like writing tonight!
I have been avoiding this page on my screen for the last 2 1/2 hours!!! Talking on the phone to Simon and reading other peoples Thursday Thirteens.
As you might guess, today wasn't good.
I have had some interesting conversations though. Since I started blogging I have been talking to so many people. It is amazing how one point of view can really influence another's.
Now amongst all the gallimaufry of my day I was inspired!

Curious wonder
how a candle burns as bright as a thousand fires and lights the darkness
how its flame can warm a hundred peoples hearts
Curious awe
how a drop of water can quench a dying mans thirst
how its coolness can put out a childish burning fever
Curious admiration
how a word can change society
how its power sends a shiver down the spine

A candle, a drop of water, a word
Forgotten in the grand perspective
Sneered at in disbelief

The candle lights the way
The drop of water maintains us
The word empowers us

Curious life
that leads us down a path without light
that lets us die of thirst, burns us up with fever, that causes our souls to freeze
but in its own justice gives us the word
so we can save ourselves.

See how a word can change the world!

I haven't written in a long time! I wonder what it was that caused me to write this today?


Claire said...

Oh i am impressed!

Jeannine said...

Thank you Claire! :-)

Agent M said...

Hey Jeannine!
Thanks for visiting BlogForPeace...

Nice blog here :) And thats a thoughtful poem... Its quite true what you said... You are emphasising on the fact, that after all thats said and done, there's a force up there which helps us, and will! Thats a beautiful concept, and thats a beautiful way to explain the concept :)

By the way, please do keep visiting BlogForPeace, and keep commenting, and I'll keep commenting in your blog too :)


Jeannine said...

Mohan: Will do :-)
And thank you for commetning.