Thursday, 18 January 2007

13 Part Deux

Thirteen Things about Jeannine
Thirteen things I hate about my Pseudotumor Cerebri!

1…. I hate that I have it!
2…. That for the 10 years prior to my being diagnosed in 2001, no one believed me when I said that something was wrong
3…. The constant headaches for the last 16 years
4…. The memory loss it causes
5…. The memory loss it causes... just kidding - The not knowing if today/tomorrow/the day after that is a good day or a bad day
6…. The fact that I might have unknowingly passed it on to my daughters
7…. That I might loose my eyesight and when I say might it is because I am clinging on to the hope that I wont
8…. That I haven't slept well, without waking up several times a night because of the pain, for I don't know how long
9…. That I have to take medication which is ruining my body (liver and kidney damage a. s. o.)
10…. The lethargy it sometimes causes
11…. That it, to some extend, dictates how I live my life
12…. That it doesn't only affect me but also my loved ones
13…. That there is no cure

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Claire
2. Coleen
3. Allie
4. Christie
5. GreenEyedGirl
6. Maryanne


Carey said...

Im sorry to hear of your pain. Ive never heard of this before. Your in my prayers today. Happy TT.

Colleen Gleason said...

UGH!! I'm so sorry. You're in my prayers today too.

A said...

That list could also be called 13 reasons I'm calling in sick...that sucks... you're in my prayers...

Jeannine said...

crygibb, colleen and allie:
Thank you so much! For posting and your prayers!

Christie O. said...

oh no! i'm so sorry! you'll be in my prayers! i just read your tt from last week and we're virgo sisters! same birthday! thanks for stopping by my blog.

Claire said...

Oh dear not a happy 13! My thoughts are with you!

Erin Faye said...

Thank-you for visiting my blog and leaving your comment :)
I am so sorry for your pain.

Jeannine said...

Chistie, Claire and GreenEyedGirl:
Thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

That does suck? I have to give you credit though, you seem to be dealing with it in an honest way. I'll pray for you as well. I hope that your sense of self gets redefined in an awesome way. We're with you! Thanks for stopping by.

Jeannine said...

Thank you Maryanne!

The Counselor said...

Thirteen things that you bravely live through each day...certainly.

Damn...helps me put my list of thirteen pet peeves in perspective.

gotta look this one up---I hate not being aware of things!

You're in my prayers...

Jeannine said...

Thank you! I really appreciate your words!