Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Of mice and snow...

I still need some people who are brave enough to

Well, we got it! Snow I mean.

About 20 cm over night!
Kids are so looking forward to skiing and snowboarding!

And it is now official!!! It is definitely Advent!
I, well, actually we (the kids and I) baked some cookies yesterday.
They turned out quite nice, taste wise at least... :-)

What else is new? Hmm...
We are going swimming tomorrow, providing we can fight our way through the snow.

Or maybe we should just try this...

I am going to make-up a whole bunch of mice for the play the girls are in.
So I have to do some practicing on the weekend.

Does anybody have any good ideas on patterns or designs for mouse faces?
I only found this but I think it is a bit ott especially since I have a limited time frame to work with.

So all in all things are pretty normal. I am still being given the run around by the doctors, bureaucrats and the money is still tight.
Christmas will be great nonetheless!
I don't think I've mentioned before but Advent and Christmas time is my favorite in the year.
Simon and his mum have gone out of their way to give the kids some great presents this year. A very big box arrived the other day and my post man was very put out with me because I asked him to carry it up to the second floor...
It is mainly ski gear (goggles, helmets and so on) and as a main present they will get
Singstar for PS2

We are already wondering whether we are going to regret this in a few weeks though... LOL

Unfortunately Simon wont be spending Christmas with us as he has to work. He will be here with us for New Years though!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

... and it is a feast of surprises at every turn, to read these pages.