“8 Random Facts About Myself”
First I have to post the rules. Here they are:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Then I have to post eight random things about me that you may or may not want to know...
Ready or not, here I go:
1. I am actually Borg! I have this in me:

and it looks like this:

2. I love everything music and I sing quite well (I think). I used to sing in the "Mainzer Bach Choir" and I took classical voice lessons. My favourite though is musical and "The Blues"!

3. I hate my hair! My head was shaved twice due to brain surgery and ever since then, it just does not want to do what I want it to... The fact that last time I was at the hairdressers, he cut it way too short, does not help...

4. I am a cynic owing to circumstances but I am desperately trying to hold on to my "believe in the good in people". I guess I want to believe that people are good and life has taught me different although lately, I have met a few "angels"!

5. So far, Simon and I have set a date for our wedding 4 times. Every time something came up which made us postpone... Oh well, five times lucky then...

6. My secret ambition: To be famous! Not as in everybody knows my face, celebrity style famous, no! I just want my name to be known, maybe for my poetry or my book (if it gets finished) or for my make-up artistry or my paintings or something like that...

7. It is hard work for me to stay focused on something! Partially because of my illness and partially because I simply loose interest. Can be really annoying, especially for others. One minute I fly sky high and the next I plummet to the ground...

8. I hardly ever wear make-up. People think this is really strange, because I am, of course, a make-up artist. I guess it is because I am a perfectionist and I can't be bothered to "do it right" every day. However on the rare occasions that I go out, I do put the "war paint" on.

The 8 I tagged:
Tom's Hideaway
Ramblings of SAHM
By the way
Suburbian Queen
A little piece of me
Glamorous Redneck
Jen's Horde
Two Write Hands
Thanks for the tag. I'll get to it soon!
Oh, Jeanine...this ie almost like "Chain Mail" I'll have to put my thinking hat on now!!
Hi girl!!!
I'll do it tomorrow (Tuesday). Been busy cleaning up massive messes today!
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