Leonore Zimmermann "Talking about love"
1…. "We will call you on Monday..." (they guys I had an interview with for a translation job today)2…. "I never get to do anything or go anywhere! I hate you!!!" (one of my daughters because I wouldn't let her sleep over at a friends when her homework wasn't done)
3…. "But I promise to do it when I come back" (same daughter still trying to get me to let her sleep over)
4…. "I love you mummy" (still same daughter that evening, whilst lying in bed after we talked about responsibility)
5…. "But, but, but... I can't do it..." (other daughter about cleaning up the cat food bowls (her chores) - accompanied by an Oscar worthy whine)
A light from behind the clouds.
A flash of white in the air.
My heart leaps as I see your smile appear.
It brightens the face of my love
(Simon via text message when I was feeling very down)
7…. "Don't be nervous about the meeting or your capability , you are a very sound writer and have got brains to spare [ pardon the expression ] you have a clarity of thinking that beggars most people as you don't blather .. They will be lucky if you accept. " (my friend Peter when I was anxious about above mentioned interview)
8…. "now would seem like the right moment to catch yourself unawares and go to bed before your brain releases more chemicals and your mind goes back into over drive..." (again my friend Peter after I had a very arduous day and me feeling extremely tired - very sound advice...)
9…. "You shouldn't tough it out all the time" (my doctor because I am not taking the pain meds as I should)
10…. "Life is so unfair and cruel!" (my younger daughter because my older daughter had a friend round and they didn't want her to play with them)
11…. "Now we don't have any money anymore!" (after I spent my last money this month on a new battery for the car and some petrol)
12…. "It would be great being closer, so I could take you for lunch, coffee or shopping...let the girls loose on a mall altogether with very limited cash flow damage capacity" (my friend Renée who by the way is also the "asker" of the questions of the post before last)
13…. "but here's the rub ... on sisters they need to wobble to make the planet have seasons and become inhabitable, does it have an inclination and a wobble making moon ?" (Peter again... in the midst of our discussion about the sister planet found 20.5 light years away from earth... don't ask...)
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Great. I can leave you comments now.
Have a great week and we'll see you next week.
You must be proud of #4. Thanks for visiting my TT.
Good standing strong, momma! My kids think "no" means keep asking until mom gives in, bribe, cajole, beg, barter, whine, then throw fit and get grounded.
Glad you liked the vids on my TT!
Children are so wonderful! :o)
I realy enjoyed your T13. Best wishes on the interview Monday.
Thank you also for the comment. Much appreciated.
Hi again - your description of your daughters reminds me of my daughter when she was young! So much fun - I also had already started on next week's TT, expounding on the list and then I'll take them one at a time. Great idea, thank you for suggesting it. Shows me I'm on the right track doing this. I see you are in Germany. Are you from there? The countryside is beautiful!
what a great TT...I just did my first one this week.
oh yeah, I linked to you from Shopautodotca Seocontest ....
I knew you could do it!
My friend and accountability cycling coach after my first 10 mile circuit in under 45 minn.
Not great but not bad for 50 year old.
Thanks for the read and good luck on the job.
PS. If you need any help with the job search LMK.
My son tries to argue like that! It makes me crazy! My girls don't seem to do that, and now I'm trying to figure out why...and appreciating them for it.
Yes, don't tough it out all the time. Pain takes up so much energy. I don't know what your situation is, but I'm sending hugs anyway!
Thanks for stopping by my T-13 :-)
Thanks for visiting my site. I think my favorite aspect of yours is the photo of where you live. Absolutely picturesque. Such a small, quaint town. Those are disappearing across America so cherish it if you can.
My Thursday Thirteen
The Splintered Mind - Overcoming Neurological Disabilities With Lots Of Humor And Attitude
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