My youngest had a football (soccer) tournament. Her team made second place and she walked around proudly wearing her silver medal for the remainder of the day! :-)
She didn't actually shoot any goals but she did 3 assists (which in my opinions is more difficult to do - the getting the ball right in front of the other teams goal so your team mate can kick it in). She is going to be in the paper in the next couple of days. I am proud of her!
Then I had to go and work on "The Hobbit". My assistant is still ill, so things were a bit hectic again.
Oh and I had baked a cake for the football tournaments bake sale but because there were too many mine wasn't even brought out, so we took it to my mums and each had a slice - what indulgence! We left the rest at my mums so we would not be led into temptation...
Spoke to Simon last night and it seems there might be problems coming over at the beginning of February as they can not tell him whether he can have the time of or not, since someone else has already booked that time off... Simon booked his plane tickets two months ago! He was told then, that all he needed, was to make sure that he and the boss weren't off at the same time! I don't know what to think of that...?
I rescheduled going to Oscars to Tuesday so I don't have to dash an run straight away and spend a little time over there.
Today is the last performance of the play (until October). I have got Tickets to see it again with my children and I am really looking forward to it, as Actors are usually up to no good in the last show, so it is bound to be a lot of fun!
Bummer is, that we also received a last minute invite to see the dress rehearsal of Riverdance today. That would have been nice to see. A couple of years ago my older one actually had a training session with two of the cast and has signed shoes and all. :-D Oh, well... maybe next time.
This coming up week is packed full of appointments, including a long chat with my doctor to discuss further treatment. Something has got to happen! I just don't want to hear, that there is nothing further they can do!!!!! Maybe we should try the homeopathic route again or acupuncture or something if conventional medicine is at a loss! I just want to have a little while without pain, so I can recharge my batteries, so to speak.
It's raining. Again. Although yesterday was beautiful sunshine, birds chirping, flowers and trees budding, and round about 12 degrees Celsius (53.6 degrees Fahrenheit). How depressing!
I want snow!
My older one is constantly moaning how she can't use her Christmas present (snowboard remember) and the younger keeps asking "When are we going skiing again?"...
"Kid, you are welcome to try and go down a grass slope! Be my guest!"
I have yet to build a snowman, -woman, -person... stupid political correctness!
I left a comment on someone else's Thursday Thirteen, which raised a question with me:
When you ask children what their favorite movie is, how many 9 and 10 year old kids do you know, that would rattle down the following list:
Sound of Music
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
My Fair Lady
Paint your Wagon
Fiddler on the Roof
and, last but not least
Wet Side Story
Isn't it odd that from the Disney Movies, Pixar Animation and all the others they can choose from, these are the most liked and watched?
I am certainly not complaining! Apart from maybe the fact that my ears are forever ringing with "Doe, a deer, a female deer...". They know all the songs to all those movies by heart and when your 9 year old raises her glass (of water) at the dinner table and says "Here's looking at you, kid" that kind of cracks you up!
Oh well, I must have done something right! :-)
Got to go and make breakfast now - Fresh fruit with yogurt and honey. Yum!

Well you have been mega busy! what cake was it?(i am hungry!).
Sorry to hear there is problems with Simon coming over, thats crap!
Ah..Yes, the classics.. Wonderful movies.. "Oklahoma, where the sun..." Has been playing through my head the past few days. ;)
Sounds like you've been really busy!
Claire: It is, but hey, that's the story of my life....
Katelyn: I haven't actually got Oklahoma on DVD yet. There are still a great many, I will have to get hold of.
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