Friday, 26 January 2007

Pink Unicorns

The last couple of days were rather busy!
I am moving. We currently live in a 2 room apartment and I sleep on the couch in the living room. It is just too small! So the other day I got a phone call telling me, that there was an apartment available in the same village the girls go to school in. So I went and had a look and I love it! Talked to the landlord and he said I can have it.
I am so looking forward to having a door I can close!!!
This means I have to pack everything up! I hate packing!
I loathe it. But I am going to use this opportunity and throw a lot of stuff away!
I will have to get a friend of mine to drive it to the dump though. Otherwise I will be bringing half of it back home with me... :-)
My older one is still ill, we were at the doctors and he signed her off school all week. The last few nights she was crying because her throat hurt so much from coughing. Poor thing!
I am very, very tired as I haven't slept much the last week as she kept me up a lot.
So I am going to go to sleep!

I will however, before I go, share with you my all time favorite picture of my younger daughter. :-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannine,
too bad that one of your kids is still ill. Amazing that the doctor hasn't have got her a medicine which gives her some rest at night, so she hasn't to caugh out her lung.
Good to hear that you've got more space in the near future.
Looks like its time for new era :)

enjoyable weekend

Claire said...

Hey, Sorry daughter is still ill, you and her must be exhausted.
But hooray on getting a new apartment, boo to packing, i am going through a clear out at the mo and its not fun!
What a cool photo! did you take it?

Jeannine said...

Markus: He did actually give us a cough suppressant, but it doesn't seem to be working to well... :-(

Claire: Unfortunately I can not take credit for the picture taking. A very good friend of mine, who is a professional photographer, took it. She is amazing!

eccentricego said...

I always like to drink peppermint tea when my throat hurts. Maybe that and a teaspoon of honey will soothe it for her, if anything she might enjoy the sweets. Hope she is well soon and congrats on the new place

Claire said...

It is indeed amazing!