Wednesday, 31 January 2007

Life? Don't talk to me about life!

My kettle just died on me! Or rather it tried to do a dishwasher and set my flat on fire!!!
I went into the kitchen, to find out what that strange smell was (Déjà-vu) and there it was. Smoldering slowly. I know I had turned it off. Now why did it turn itself back on, cooked all the water away and continued heating? Why would it do such a thing?
Oh, I know:
Next thing you know I will have two mice knocking on my door asking for my brain...

Oh well, Simon is coming tomorrow and I am as sick as a dog, can barely speak and make
rather strange gurgle noises while trying not to cough while breathing. My nose is red and runny and I, in general, am a complete mess. Yeah me!!!
Again, I am trying to get some sleep (as much as my cold will allow).

Oh and I have a request:

Tomorrow (1st of Feb 2007) at 19.55 until 20.00 CET (Central European Time), please turn off all your electrical appliances and your lights. Give our Planet some well deserved rest!

L'Alliance pour la Planè (group of environmental associations) call upon all citizens: Grant the planet 5 minutes of rest. You are kindly requested to dim all your lights on February 1st, 2007 from 19.55 to 20.00hrs CET. This is not only about saving energy on that day during 5 minutes, but it’s about drawing the attention of the citizens, the media and the political decision-makers on the energy waste problem and on the need to urgently do something about it.

During 5 minutes the planet will be able to take a break. It doesn’t take long and it’s for free. Why do this on February 1st, 2007? Because that day the new report of the climatologic experts of the United Nations is presented in Paris. Please circulate this message as much as possible, duplicate it and send it to local politicians as well. Mentioned it on Internet sites, web-logs, post it to mailing lists, send it to friends and acquaintances. Go tell it on the mountain!

More information (In French):

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good morning Jeannine,
too bad that the cold you've caught, still keeps you down. Oh, well - for a normal cold it takes 8 days patience to get back fit again.
On the other side, such an occurrence might tell your body, slow down for a moment and recharge the battery for upcoming new things.

enjoy the days with Simon
wish you well

regards, Markus