Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Dishwasher Paranoia

The Dishwasher Repair guy was here today. Guess what!?!
He has no idea how this has/can/could (have) happen(ed) (The dishwasher going up in flames for the second time - for all those who aren't up to date).
Hmmm, maybe there is such a thing as spontaneous combustion....
So he recorded everything, even took a picture and is going to present my case to head office. Repairs would cost somewhere around € 350. I can buy a new dishwasher for that!!! I have requested to be given a new machine as I (as previously stated) no longer feel save with that "thing" in the house.
Call me paranoid but I am convinced it is out to get me, us, all of us...

Or as Simon always says: " I am not paranoid, there are people out to get me..."

My older one is still at home ill and if she is still coughing tomorrow like she is now, I will take her to see the doctor not that he can do much more than what I am already doing (apart from describing antibiotics...) but if she continuous to be of school I will need a note from him. Poor thing! (My kid, not the doctor...although...)

Oh and here is "must see" movie!
It is a Swedish film called "As in Heaven" (German "Wie im Himmel", Swedish "Så som i himmelen") by Kay Pollak. It has been long since a movie REALLY moved me like this one. Wont say much about it as I think it would take away from the experience of watching it! Just go and see it! (Or rather rent it since it came out in 2004)
For those who must know what it is about because you can not take that it is a good film on faith... look for the Swedish title on IMDB

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannine,
these crafsmen and our famous german service attitude. "right, no ideas - but always saying "come and buy a new one".
So its the best doing the washing by hand for a while. Writting a tough letter to the dishwasher company also addressing the shock, and getting the howse burned down ....
You are a creative writer - have fun.
Enjoy the snow ! It's currently totaly crazy situation around our area here.

take care, Markus